The school gates open at 8:30 am and the bell is rung at 8.40. The register is taken at 8:45 am, before children attend daily assembly together.
Parents are encouraged to come into the playground before and after school so they can liaise with their children’s class teacher when needed.
White Rose Maths followed by English are delivered each morning to Key Stages 1 and 2 with foundation curriculum subjects taught in the afternoons. Children in Reception, Years 1 and 2 have Read, Write, Inc. each morning in their groups.
There is a 15-minute break each morning at 10.30 where children play outside and have a healthy snack.
Lunch break is at 12.00 – 1.00 pm for all children. Children bring a packed lunch from home or have a hot school lunch served in the hall.
All year groups finish at 3:10pm.
Currently at the Bythams, milk is provided to all Reception and Year 1 children during the morning; this milk is provided and paid for by School.
In addition to this, all children who eat a hot school meal are also offered milk at lunchtime, this milk is provided by Ideal Ltd.
Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school office
The Bythams After school Club provides before and after school care for children at The Bythams School.
For full details and costs of the service please contact the school office.
Ideal provide our hot school meals. They are a Lincolnshire based provider, supplying thousands of healthy school meals each week. Our meals are cooked in a kitchen in Stamford fresh each morning and delivered to school ready for lunch at 12 noon. The quality of the product has always been Ideal’s highest priority. The fresh ingredients, including high welfare meats, organic, fair trade and seasonal produce are sourced locally from respected and established farms and suppliers. These ingredients are transformed into delicious hot meals.
Children in KS1, (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) are eligible for a hot meal free of charge each day. For Children in KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) hot meals can be purchased from Ideal at a cost of £2.30 per day. Parents can find out more about Ideal by looking at their website and order meals by registering with
More information about how to order meals can be found on the ‘User Guide – Ordering School Meals Online’.
Please note that meals need to be ordered by parents of both KS1 and KS2 pupils regardless of whether you receive meals free of charge, school do not order meals for children. If you do not have access to the internet or a computer, please contact Julia Miner in the school office who will be able to assist you further, 01780 410275.
If your child does not wish to have a hot school meal, you will need to provide a packed lunch for your child.
If you have a child or children in full-time education, receive certain benefits and have an income of less than £16,190 you may be able to claim free school meals for your child regardless of their age. If you think you are entitled please contact Ms Miner in the school office, 01780 410275. More information can be found on the Lincolnshire County Council website.
We are seeking your help to achieve healthy lunches for all of our pupils.
School meals in school have to meet the School Food Standards to ensure they are healthy and nutritious. Food brought in from home is often not as healthy.
A healthy packed lunch should contain….
In order to ensure that packed lunches are tasty and nutritious, children and staff have devised a red, amber and green scheme, please see the Packed Lunch Guidelines.