Health and Wellbeing

Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS) has a website specifically for our school nursing services, which aims to provide information for families on topics:

The ‘Lincolnshire Healthy Families’ website aims to provide information for families on topics such as

  • Health Needs Assessments
  • Immunisations
  • Continence
  • PHSE
  • School Nursing drop-in service
  • Parenting and behaviour
  • Health and wellbeing

LCHS website

Mental Health Links

Here4You: offers an advice and self-referral line for parent/carers of children, and for young
people (aged 13 or over), who are struggling with their emotional or mental health and are not
currently being supported by Healthy Minds, MHST or CAMHS. There is also an online self-referral
form and access to information about online workshops, websites and tips from young people to
young people.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS): is designed to meet a wide range of
moderate to severe mental health needs in children and young people. These will include
moderate, acute and severe, complex and/or enduring mental health problems or disorders that
are causing significant impairments in their lives.

The CAMHS Crisis and Enhanced Home Treatment Team (CCETT) provides crisis intervention for
young people actively displaying suicidal ideation or following suicide attempts, severe symptoms
of depression with suicidal ideation, life threatening harm to self, harm to others as a result of a
mental health concern, acute psychotic symptoms or presentation of anorexia with severe
physical symptoms. Where involved, the CCETT and CAMHS team would work together to support
a child or young person and their family.

Young minds 
You are not alone
However you're feeling right now, things can get better. And we're here to help

Every Mind Matters self care tips and videos for young people and adults.

Childline Toolbox
However you're feeling, we’re here to help. Take your mind off things with games, use our tools to find ways to cope or get creative and let your feelings out. It’s all in your handy toolbox.

Childline 1:2:1 counsellor chat

Even though 1 in 4 people have mental health problems, most of us don’t get the help we need. This has to change. We’re Mind. We’re here to fight for mental health. For support, for respect, for you.

Lumi Nova

Lumi Nova Parent Information Sheet

Mental Health Apps

Headspace (limited free content, then payable) Suitable for children.  One of the most popular Apps.  Features 10 free sessions.

Moodfit (free)

Elefriends (free) A great free app from Mind, the mental health charity. This app features a ‘news feed’  style interactive main page where you can comment, read, or share your own thoughts and feelings  with other like-minded users. There is also a private message facility.

Smiling Mind (free)  ‘Check in with yourself’ with this comprehensive app from Oz, which enables you to track your mood  along with hundreds of targeted mindfulness practices for young and old alike.

Calm (limited free content, then paid) Suitable for children and pre-teens.   A wide range of exercise and mindful options

Mindshift CBT Suitable for pre-teens and teens. Supports anxiety relief. Catch It (endorsed by the NHS). You can log your mood, check the mood and ultimately change the mood. There are options for  depression, anxiety, anger, relaxation, confusion and happiness using CBT.

Relax Melodies Suitable for Children  Relaxing sounds and music to support mindfulness.

Grief Support (ages from 11)  This app has been created by leading bereavement charity Child Bereavement UK and the bereaved  young people it works with. It is for 11- 25 year olds who have been bereaved of someone important to them. It can also be used by friends, teachers, parents and professionals who would like to know how to support bereaved young people.

Domestic Abuse help and advice

Please find below some information and links that you may find useful: 

National DA Helpline The freephone, 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247

Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Specialist Service Need help? Call 01522 510041

Rape crisis  24/7 Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Line: 0808 500 2222

Men’s Advice Line - 0808 8010327

Karma Nirvana Working to end Honour Based Abuse in the UK We run the national Honour Based Abuse Helpline, train professionals, gather data to inform policies and services, and campaign for change.

NHS website for help with domestic violence

Domestic Violence and abuse- Emergency Injunction Service A fast, free emergency injunction service for domestic abuse.

Bright Sky app for domestic abuse support

Newbold Hope Supporting your child with behaviour Are you worried about a child's difficult and dangerous behaviour? Does your child sometimes become violent towards others?  Do the rest of the family sometimes get hurt?  Newbold Hope is entirely run by parents who have been through this with their own child and our whole approach is based on what we know has already worked successfully in our own families and in thousands of others.

PEG Support with child to parent abuse

Clare's Law is for anyone who wants to find out if someone they are in a relationship with has a record of abusive offences, or suggest a risk of violence or abuse-
Clare's Law website

5 Steps to Wellbeing

Bythams Primary School is taking 5 simple steps every day to promote emotional wellbeing.

Having a ‘hot chocolate moment’

Taking time in Badgers Class to reflect and take notice.